
Low key

Posted in General at 12 pm

Isn’t interesting that just as school starts up, I decide to go all quiet like on my journal?

In the mean time, a new layout is available over at OrderSomewhereChaos.com called DitDot. Just a new header and a background color change.

Less visible is the fact that there is a max-width attribute stuck on the main column of text. Compare and contrast the pages with a lot of text between the Aqua and the DitDot versions. I’m trying to decide if the DitDot version is inherently easier to read, and if I should expand the max-width to a size that feels just a little bit less than comfortable. Also note that the max-width gets wider if you have your fonts set to a larger size.

Which reminds me, since I’ve moved from the white backgrounds, I really ought to convert the images on the site from GIFs and JPEGs to PNGs with appropriate alphas. I did that on one image. Now that iBook image blends properly on all of the layout choices.

(Now that I’ve turned on “Check my spelling as I type” in Safari, I’m more confident about using my full vocabulary. Interesting… or should I say Intriguing? )

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